Monday 10 June 2024


 “All kinds of vitamin deficiency, B12, folic acid, iron, et cetera, thrombocytosis, that’s excess platelets, thrombocytopenia, that’s low platelets, polycythemia, excess red blood cells, anemia, pernicious or otherwise, which is low red blood cells, leukocytosis, excess white blood cells, neutropenia, low white blood cells, all kinds of coagulation disorders, blood vessel abnormalities, hemophilia, scurvy, leukemia, acute and chronic, an encyclopedia of various syndromes, genetic or otherwise . . .”

Billy stared at him, then looked to Stacey.

“He’s just a really good hypochondriac,” she said.

The well informed hypochondriac answers with this enumeration of problems related to bloog when he is asked about reasons to visit a hematologist. Blood belongs to the myterious group of no newtonian fluids


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