Monday 28 November 2022


 The belly and the top of the legs got soaked everytime the wind changed its direction and  contradicted the Universal Law of Gravitation. The wind maded drops moving almost horizontally, flooding what should be protected by human invention and Physics

Fluid Dynamic is one of the ugliest branch  of Physics and it´s very unpleasant to study with its Reynolds numbers and others. In general, the more Science simplifies the object to study, the more beautiful it is. This is why Engineering degrees are ugly to study if you compare them with pure Sciences and their famous simplifications.

With wind, water doesn´t behave itself in an ideal way, but willy-nilly. So, it´s difficult to model it using  Physics. Then, things like  the rain upwards may happen. It´s very common in Cádiz in days of levante wind, by the way.

This post is also useful to recommend this novel, the first one in putting the VAR tecnology in Literature

Monday 14 November 2022


 “Mind over matter, people say. But what is matter, anyway? When you look at it under a microscope, it’s just tiny bits of stuff. Atomic particles. Subatomic particles. Look deeper and deeper and eventually you’ll find nothing. We’re mostly empty space. We’re mostly nothing. Tra-la-la. And we’re all the same nothingness. You and me, just filling the space with nothingness. We could walk through walls if we put our minds to it, people say. What they don’t mention is that walking through a wall would most likely kill you. Don’t forget that.”

First of all, these words come from the mouth of an extravagant ‘psychologist’ who in fact looks more like a witch or a fortune teller­. Vacuum has always been a controversial concept, not only from a scientific perspective. Torricelli experiment, so simple, so smart, proves the existence of  vacuum. But the text doesn´t speak about vacuum as a no-matter space, which is what Torricelli showed, but about the emptiness inherent to the matter, a gap, a hole inside the matter. And that´s what Rutherford exposed with his famous gold-foil experiment. Furthermore, the woman in the text is fully right when she warns us that we´ll probably die if we go through a wall