Friday 29 March 2019


He was in sociology, and althought many of us in the proper sciences thought that the social sciences people were empty vesses who had too much time on their hands and worte reams of unreadable books, we saw Ikenna differently. We forgave his peremtory style and did not discard his panphlets and rather admired the erudite asperiry which with he blazed through issues; his fearlessness convinced us

It sometimes happens that Science people hate Social Sciences intensely. This intensity is rarely provoked by Humanities disiciplines like Philologies , or it´s at least another sort of hatred. I think Social Sciences are accused of trying to disguise themselves by using instruments of the natural sciences: stats, graphs… ‘The Strangled Reason’, by Carlos Elias explains this phenomenon very wel

Monday 25 March 2019


As he comes away, he remembers the famous thought experiment he learned about long ago on a physics course. A cat, Schrödinger’s Cat, hidden from view in a covered box, is either still alive, or has just been killed by a randomly activated hammer hitting a vial of poison. Until the observer lifts the cover from the box, both possibilities, alive cat and dead cat, exist side by side, in parallel universes, equally real. At the point at which the lid is lifted from the box and the cat is examined, a quantum wave of probability collapses. None of this has ever made any sense to him at all. No human sense. Surely another example of a problem of reference. He’s heard that even the physicists are abandoning it. To Henry it seems beyond the requirements of proof: a result, a consequence, exists separately in the world, independent of himself, known to others, awaiting his discovery. What then collapses will be his own ignorance. Whatever the score, it is already chalked up. And whatever the passengers’ destination, whether they are frightened and safe, or dead, they will have arrived by now.

Something which I am very proud of is the fact that, over 4 years, I have avoided some unpleasant aspects in the 86 posts of this blog. Searching for mistakes has not beeen then main aim of this blog, mainly to get away from my job. I also avoided the scientific clichés; you can´t picture how many times Schrödinger´s Cat appears in novels, it´s almost one more character.
It´s been difficult, but this is only the second time we speak about the damn cat. The first one was just to devote some words to a good movie

Wednesday 20 March 2019


He turned to her and said, “About time,” when the train finally creaked in, with the familiarity strangers adopt with each other after sharing in the disappointment of a public service. She smiled at him. The graying hair on the back of his head was swept forward, a comical arrangement to disguise his bald spot. He had to be an academic, but not in the humanities or he would be more self-conscious. A firm science like chemistry, maybe.

One more time: the aim of this blog is the good vibes between Science and Humanities, but we don’t want to hide the truth. If this lady thinks that male Science teachers in general, and the Chemistry ones particulary, have a bigger composure with women, it won’t be here that we will disagree with her.

Maybe the reader has noticed that in some posts of this blog the relationship between Literature and Science is a little bit unnatural. We have forced this relationship in a case like this, when the book is so good that it deserves we talk about it