Monday 16 March 2015


At the end of this text we are told about the relativity theory, aren´t we? But the text also talks about the technology researches from that time, the relationship between technology and society,….
I don´t remember in which part of “Remembrance of Things Past “ Proust talks about his first telephone conversations and how surprised he was about them.
Talking about technological developments is not very popular in books, films or other works of art nowadays . So, we can find little reference to blogs, e-mails, mobile phones,… in current books or films and this is quite remarkable.

We realised this as soon as the vehicle, starting off, covered in one bound twenty paces of an excellent horse. Distances are  only the relation of space to time and vary with that relation. We express the difficulty that we have in getting to a place in a system of miles or kilometres which becomes false as soon as that difficulty decreases. Art is modified by it also, when a village which seemed to be in a different world from some other village becomes its neighbour in a landscape whose dimensions are altered. In any case the information that there may perhaps exist a universe in which two and two make five and the straight line is not the shortest way between two points would have astonished