Monday 8 October 2018


He watched below him as a station wagon passed, then a convertible. a moving van. and a small truck advertising EUCLID'S D RY CLEANING AND D YEING. The great name reminded him of the right-angled triangle, the principles of gecmetric analysis. and the doctrine of proportion for both commensurables and incommensurables. \Vhathe needed was a new form of ratiocination, and Euclid might do. If he could make a geometric analysis of his problems. mightn't he solve them. or at least create an atmosphere of solution? He get a slide rule and took the simple theorem that if two sides of a triangle are equal. the angles opposite these sides are equal; and the converse theorem that if two angles of a triangle are equal. the sides opposite them will be equal. He drew a line to represent iVlalhilda and what he knew alxlut her to be relevant. The base of the triangle would be his two children. Randr and Priscilla. He, of course, would make up the third side

How is it possible that this blog has been going on for seven years without knowing about this short story? It is a very good example to show the different ways to use science in literature. The text itself includes almost every wise choice and every typical mistake that we have been talking about in this blog
In the prologue, Rodrigo Fresán writes that William Maxwell didn´t like this short story at all and that Chever wrote in his Diaries how he sold it to anhoter magazine for 3000 dollars

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