The belly and the top of the legs got soaked everytime the wind changed its direction and contradicted the Universal Law of Gravitation. The wind maded drops moving almost horizontally, flooding what should be protected by human invention and Physics
Fluid Dynamic is one of the ugliest branch
of Physics and it´s very unpleasant to study with its Reynolds numbers
and others. In general, the more Science simplifies the object to study, the
more beautiful it is. This is why Engineering degrees are ugly to study if you
compare them with pure Sciences and their famous simplifications.
With wind, water doesn´t behave itself in an ideal way, but
willy-nilly. So, it´s difficult to model it using Physics. Then, things like the rain upwards may happen. It´s very common
in Cádiz in days of levante wind, by the way.
This post is also useful to recommend this novel, the first
one in putting the VAR tecnology in Literature