Monday 3 May 2021


 He stood before them with his body swayed, and bent forwards just so far, as to make an angle of 85 degrees and a half upon the plain of the horizon;——which sound orators, to whom I address this, know very well, to be the true persuasive angle of incidence;—in any other angle you may talk and preach;—’tis certain,—and it is done every day;—but with what effect,—I leave the world to judge!

The necessity of this precise angle of 85 degrees and a half to a mathematical exactness,—does it not shew us, by the way,—how the arts and sciences mutually befriend each other?

This angle is really important and you´d better not abuse of it. Between the Moonwalker by Michael Jackson and backing away from someone or dodging a bullet in Matrix, there are lots of intermediate situations. In my opinion, the people who use the angle of 85 degrees are usually a bit annoying and their breath is likely to smell badly. Anyway, as the text itself says, what a good example of how well Art and Science support each other

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