It had been long known that the air which encircled us was a compound of oxygen and nitrogen gases, in the proportion of twenty-one measures of oxygen, and seventy-nine of nitrogen, in every one hundred of the atmosphere. Oxygen, which was the principle of combustion, and the vehicle of heat, was absolutely necessary to the support of animal life, and was the most powerful and energetic agent in nature. Nitrogen, on the contrary, was incapable of supporting either animal life or flame. An unnatural excess of oxygen would result, it had been ascertained, in just such an elevation of the animal spirits as we had latterly experienced. It was the pursuit, the extension of the idea, which had engendered awe. What would be the result of a total extraction of the nitrogen? A combustion irresistible, all-devouring, omni-prevalent, immediate; the entire fulfillment, in all their minute and terrible details, of the fiery and horror-inspiring denunciations of the prophecies of the Holy Book
We´d rather talk about the
composition of the air with this post by Poe than with the famous song by
Mecano ( oxygen, nitrogen and argon) It´s more suitable to the spirit of this
blog. The role of Nitrogen, so low considered, is very important to temper the
explosive character of the oxygen avoiding the spontaneous combustions.
Nitrogen has its own cycle as well, which is essential at different levels for
life in our planet.
So, there it is the Nitrogen, so
noiseless but basic and majority in the air, quiet and vital.