Monday 23 November 2015


I was moved to have philosophical thoughts. Why was the scale of numbers on the Nazi radio recognizable to me, a Jewish boy? Because numbers were immutable. Their order was fixe, universally true. Even Nazis had to comply with them. Well, if numbers were the same for everyone everywhere in the univerese, didn´t that mean they had to have been installed in our brains by God? And if so, why- except to each everyone the nature of truth. It was true, for example, that two plus two of anything was four. No matter what you applied them to, numbers, being fixes and eternally what they were and nothing else, epitomized truth

Illustration Marzala Surface Pattern Design

We don´t like to fall behind current events in this blog. E.L. Doctorow died last 21st July; may this entry serves as a humble tribute and a literary recommendation. In fact, I find the author´s point very convincing. That is the attraction exerted by the study of mathematics on many prone minds and, paradoxically, also the basis for the rejection, repulsion or even fear that it causes in other people 

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