Monday 10 August 2020


 It used to be thought the body was more “sensitive” as it got deeper. But no, it’s like the earth itself, the vividness is at the surface. You can crush an organ and get no pain, but look at the skin. One cm. of human skin contains two sensory machines for cold, twelve for heat, three million cells, ten hairs, fifteen sebaceous glands, a yard of blood vessels, a hundred sweat glands, three thousand sensory cells at the end of nerve fibers, four yards of nerves, twenty-five pressure apparatuses for tactile stimuli, two hundred nerve cells to record pain. This fantastic factory is our surface. No wonder our feeling is so exposed. Our hearts are on our sleeve.

How many things on the surface which we disregard for not being deep! All the stuff the skin has! Who needs more? It´s better not to go in depth hardly ever, you have to surf throughout life . Everything gets better, the friendship, the work,...if you keep on kindly superficial

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